How to Host a Housewarming Party – 2018 Guide

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How to Host a Housewarming Party – 2018 Guide

How to Host a Housewarming Party - 2018 Guide
In this in-depth article, we'll be teaching you how to host a housewarming party, and to do so, we'll walk you through this party planning process from start to finish.

This article has three main sections, each one dedicated to a step in the planning process. Part I shows you how to prep for your party, Part II helps you pull it off with ease, and Part III gives you some insight on how to end your party and send your guests away smiling and impressed.

We have also included some party planning tips and tricks of our own! Without further ado, check our simple, step-by-step guide on how to host the perfect housewarming party!

I. How to Host a Housewarming Party: Prepping for the Event

You've moved into your new home, arranged your furniture, picked out your decor, and stepped back to take in the view. Now it's time to invite your friends and family over to see your new place! Where should you begin? A housewarming party can be the perfect opportunity to showcase your new domicile, mingle with friends, family, perhaps even your new neighbors, and display your decorating finesse. Before you can pull off the perfect housewarming party, you'll need to do some planning and preparing, though. Let's take a look and determine the first things you should know about how to host a housewarming party!

Step 1: Make A Game Plan

Grab your phone or some paper and a pen and plan out how you'd like your party to go. There are lots of party elements you'll want to decide on before you start buying things for your party or inviting guests over.

Pick a Date and Time

You should offer yourself plenty of time to settle into your new home. At the same time, you want your home to still be a new part of your life. A good housewarming party should be held sometime in the first few weeks after you move in.

Will you have your party in the afternoon or evening? Perhaps you'll want to organize something throughout the day, like a sort of open house. Either way, you'll want to choose a day when everyone you'll invite will be free. Usually, weekends work well.

Make a Guest List

Invite anyone you want to show your new place to, that's a given. This can include family, friends, coworkers, and perhaps your neighbors as well, old and new ones alike. Still, you'll have to consider whether these groups would mingle well together, or if maybe you should organize different events.

As it is, anyone who has shown interest in your move will probably be interested in attending your party. Remember to also allow for plus ones. You want to achieve that perfect balance between getting a comfortable crowd and not overfilling our home.

Choose Your Theme

You should also think about the themes. Do you want your party to have a theme, or just keep things simple? Many fun themes could be applied to a housewarming party. You could opt for the more traditional ones like a potluck, open house, or block party themes. Or you can go for a more chore-like theme such as redecorating a room or moving things theme.

Choose Your Central Party Location

Obviously, the party will be held at your home, but which room should be in the spotlight? Do you want to mingle in the kitchen or retire to the parlor? Also, keep in mind your space limitations.

If you have a basement, backyard, deck, or patio, you might want to see if you'll be able to utilize these for extra seating space. A deck or patio can be a great place for a party in the warmer summer months.

Don't forget about the ambient, so also get some speakers or a sound system for these outdoors party areas.

Choose Your Decor

Once you've picked the space and decided on whether or not there'll be a theme, you'll want to get decorations.

You can keep things classy and simple by purchasing throw pillows and rugs that match and will remain permanently stationed in your home. But you can also take things up a notch by adding glass bowls, string lights, fresh flowers, and other types of party decor.

You can also use these pretty DIY decorating ideas as a source of inspiration and bring that personal touch to any decor.

Decide what Food You'll Serve

The type and quantity of food you'll need at the party depends both on the number of people invited and on the theme. For example, a dinner party can be a great idea and give you a chance to use your new kitchen too. You can also go with catering, which is a bit more expensive but can save you energy and time. You may also wish to simply provide hors-d'oeuvres or finger food strategically placed around the house. Whatever you choose, you'll want to plan everything out so as to ensure that your party goes off without a hitch.

Step 2: Send Out Invites

Sending out your invitations is the next important step on the list. Make these invites clear and DON'T forget to include the date, time, and simple to follow directions to your new place. The invitations should be easily understandable and offer all the necessary information. That doesn't mean you can't have a bit of fun with them, so let's see the various ways in which you can invite people to your housewarming party.

Online, through Social Media or Other Platforms

You may also want to consider sending out online invitations. This is a faster route and an easier one as well. On the other hand, e-vites may be perceived as impersonal or informal.

If you choose this way, you may want to follow up things with a text or phone call. This will help show your guests that you really care if they turn up, and should ensure that more people actually come. For online invites, you can either send them via e-mail, on a social media platform or choose a special e-vites platform for this.

No matter the type of invite you send, make sure to include an RSVP section or get in touch with people, to get a better idea of how many will turn up.

By Hand or in the Mail

If you're planning on keeping things formal, then go the physical invitations way. You can either mail them (but make sure to do so with time to spare) or hand deliver them in person.

You can get really creative with physical invitations, and they also give everything a very classy and personal touch. On the downside, this can be time-consuming and require quite a bit of extra effort.

If you choose to make or purchase physical invitations and mail them, you'll need the address of everyone you plan to invite, for one.

Step 3: Decorate for Your Party and Prepare Your Home

Once the game plan is ready and you have sent out the invitations, it's time to start getting ready for your party. Depending on the extravagance level of your occasion, you can start getting ready a few weeks, days, or hours before the event. Set your timeline, and then follow these steps.

Purchase the Necessities

Based on your game plan, and depending on the theme, buy your invitation materials, party decorations, food, home decor, and anything else you might need. You can also get some DIY projects inspiration and save some money on this part.

Clean Your Home

This is a critical step that you don't want to overlook! Make sure you've dusted, mopped, cleaned up the nooks and crannies, and wiped down all the surfaces. Don't forget about the moving boxes either, and store away the used ones, and find a place for any still packed and unopened.

Prepare the Food

If you are taking care of the food yourself, you can start preparing it either the night before or on the day of the party. Set aside enough time depending on the quantity and complexity of the dishes. If you're serving fresh fruit or vegetables, we recommend waiting to cut them until a few hours or even minutes before your party. Remember to thaw what needs to be thawed the night before, and ease your work. Have any glasses, cups, plates, and cutlery ready as well.

You might also consider choosing party classics such as solo cups, plastic plates, or plastic cutlery, or their more eco-friendly alternatives, to make cleaning up after the party easier:


Make sure your permanent house decor is all set up and nice, and then put up your party decorations as well. This will help give your guests a great first impression as they enter your new home.

Put the Finishing Touches

After you've finished decorating and set out the food, it's time to check how everything feels. You'll want to create a warm and fun ambiance for your guests. Walk through your home and see how everything looks.

Try to detach yourself and get a feel of what your guests will experience as they enter your home and get a tour. Adjust and apply all the finishing touches to get your house looking as you want it to!

II. How to Host a Housewarming Party: The Housewarming Party Itself

Now comes the fun part! As your guests start to arrive, it's time to mingle and enjoy your party. Having a commanding and confident yet warm and welcoming presence is key to keeping things on track. Also, don't forget to have your phone charged and ready in case anyone gets lost and needs directions.


When making the plan for how to host a housewarming party, you should also consider the entertainment aspect. If you choose a theme, then go with activities that match it.

If you don't have a theme, then still have some party games and activities at hand. Remember to explain the rules clearly and involve all of your guests in these.

Additionally, if you are musically inclined, and it's a smaller gathering, you could play an instrument, or ask one of your guests to do so. You will also want to remember this party, so keep a camera close.

For an added bit of fun, go old school and snap some instant pics, that your guests can take home with them. Either way, make sure to share the memories!

See Your Guests off Correctly

As people begin to leave, make sure to thank everyone and see them out the door. Give them parting gifts if you decided on making any, and offer to let them take home leftovers if you wish. First and last impressions matter, so try to be friendly and personable, no matter how tired you may be.

III. How to Host a Housewarming Party: After the Party

So you've just finished hosting your party! Now what? You've learned how to host a housewarming party, so now you just have to take care of the last details.

Clean up

It should go without saying, but don't forget to clean up your home and store any extra food (if any) for later. Also, get in touch with your guests if anyone forgot something.

Send out Thank You Notes

You might consider sending out Thank You notes to your guests, and perhaps especially to those that took it up a notch and brought you a gift. Also, you can place a registry on a table that allows guests to leave their address for later thank you notes or just for impressions and wishes. Either way, make sure everyone knows that they are valued and appreciated.

Tips & Tricks

Here are some links with additional tips for your convenience!

That's All, Folks – Enjoy Your Housewarming Party!

So now you know exactly how to host a housewarming party. We hope this guide has been helpful and have helped made party planning more stress-free and even fun! We want to hear your ideas and tips & tricks so feel free to leave us your feedback!

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